Phoenotopia awakening gail
Phoenotopia awakening gail

There is not enough focus drawn to hunting critters and fishing These can be a little too strong but i love the walking charge, it's funny and incredibly useful early game when you're scared of frogs. Gail also received some significant buffs from release like: Slightly longer bat, faster jump attack, and the power to walk while charging the bat. Losing 5 hp on drowing? No healing from savepoints? First boss doing 8 dmg? Katash having no healing limit? Taking full (100%) damage from multi hits (now it's 100->75->50)? Triple bolt archer? I can take a difficult game but these are straight up evil and demoralizing, do the point i wonder if anyone playtested this. The game on release had some WACKY choices jump attacking on top of them.īut if the combat really is good as i say, why do people hate it? Well, i mostly blame it on a terrible difficulty curve. Faster jump attack in particular breaks the game, as you can kill giant fish by simply.

Phoenotopia awakening gail Patch#

I would even dare say (hot take alert) that some of the patch changes were overkill and made Gail too strong.

phoenotopia awakening gail

Even a victory through sheer attriction is hard and feels "earned".

phoenotopia awakening gail

The computer boss fight is particularly thrilling, as it has so much going on that you WILL get slapped often but if you maintain a steady self healing and dmg you can win. Once you get used to it, phoenotopia has a really unique type of "patient panic", where you must stay calm and keep track of stamina while also dodging non stop and finding an opportunity to heal/attack. The combat is not insanely deep but it's extremely well thought out (ignoring numbers) and fun. This game is really good and i dont like when i see people say it's good "despite" the combat.

Phoenotopia awakening gail